1 | Anson County | 2020 | Central American Indian | 0 |
2 | Anson County | 2020 | Chickasaw | 0 |
3 | Anson County | 2020 | Navajo | 0 |
4 | Anson County | 2020 | Osage | 0 |
5 | Anson County | 2020 | Sioux | 0 |
6 | Anson County | 2020 | Yaqui | 0 |
7 | Anson County | 2020 | Yuman | 0 |
8 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Chippewa | 0 |
9 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Kiowa | 0 |
10 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Navajo | 0 |
11 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Ottawa | 0 |
12 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Puget Sound Salish | 0 |
13 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Seminole | 0 |
14 | Beaufort County | 2020 | South American Indian | 0 |
15 | Beaufort County | 2020 | Ute | 0 |
16 | Brunswick County | 2020 | Total American Indian and Alaska Native Alone, specified tribe | 754 |
17 | Brunswick County | 2020 | Blackfeet | 0 |
18 | Brunswick County | 2020 | Iroquois | 98 |
19 | Brunswick County | 2020 | Puget Sound Salish | 0 |
20 | Brunswick County | 2020 | Yakama | 0 |
21 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Apache | 0 |
22 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Colville | 0 |
23 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Comanche | 0 |
24 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Lumbee | 256 |
25 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Ottawa | 15 |
26 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Paiute | 0 |
27 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Spanish American Indian | 0 |
28 | Cabarrus County | 2020 | Yuman | 0 |
29 | Carteret County | 2020 | Menominee | 0 |
30 | Carteret County | 2020 | Potawatomi | 3 |
31 | Carteret County | 2020 | Seminole | 0 |
32 | Carteret County | 2020 | South American Indian | 7 |
33 | Carteret County | 2020 | Total American Indian and Alaska Native Alone, tribe unspecified | 17 |
34 | Chatham County | 2020 | Comanche | 0 |
35 | Chatham County | 2020 | Kiowa | 0 |
36 | Chatham County | 2020 | Menominee | 0 |
37 | Chatham County | 2020 | Navajo | 0 |
38 | Chatham County | 2020 | Potawatomi | 0 |
39 | Chatham County | 2020 | Spanish American Indian | 0 |
40 | Chatham County | 2020 | Ute | 0 |
41 | Cleveland County | 2020 | Arapaho | 0 |
42 | Cleveland County | 2020 | Cherokee | 161 |
43 | Cleveland County | 2020 | Comanche | 0 |
44 | Cleveland County | 2020 | Paiute | 0 |
45 | Cleveland County | 2020 | Spanish American Indian | 0 |
46 | Cumberland County | 2020 | Ottawa | 0 |
47 | Cumberland County | 2020 | Pima | 0 |
48 | Cumberland County | 2020 | Tohono O'Odham | 12 |
49 | Cumberland County | 2020 | Yakama | 0 |
50 | Cumberland County | 2020 | All other American Indian tribes (with only one tribe reported) | 300 |
51 | Davidson County | 2020 | Total American Indian and Alaska Native Alone, specified tribe | 244 |
52 | Davidson County | 2020 | Apache | 11 |
53 | Davidson County | 2020 | Houma | 0 |
54 | Davidson County | 2020 | Navajo | 0 |
55 | Davidson County | 2020 | Pueblo | 0 |
56 | Davidson County | 2020 | Tohono O'Odham | 0 |
57 | Davidson County | 2020 | Yakama | 0 |
58 | Davidson County | 2020 | Yaqui | 0 |
59 | Durham County | 2020 | Comanche | 0 |
60 | Durham County | 2020 | Cree | 0 |
61 | Durham County | 2020 | Creek | 0 |
62 | Durham County | 2020 | Crow | 0 |
63 | Franklin County | 2020 | Central American Indian | 5 |
64 | Franklin County | 2020 | Chickasaw | 0 |
65 | Franklin County | 2020 | Creek | 0 |
66 | Franklin County | 2020 | Delaware | 13 |
67 | Franklin County | 2020 | Lumbee | 84 |
68 | Franklin County | 2020 | Paiute | 0 |
69 | Franklin County | 2020 | Shoshone | 0 |
70 | Franklin County | 2020 | Sioux | 0 |
71 | Franklin County | 2020 | Yakama | 0 |
72 | Franklin County | 2020 | Total American Indian and Alaska Native Alone | 644 |
73 | Graham County | 2020 | Pueblo | 0 |
74 | Graham County | 2020 | Seminole | 0 |
75 | Guilford County | 2020 | Comanche | 9 |
76 | Guilford County | 2020 | Hopi | 0 |
77 | Guilford County | 2020 | Menominee | 0 |
78 | Guilford County | 2020 | Mexican American Indian | 248 |
79 | Guilford County | 2020 | All other American Indian tribes (with only one tribe reported) | 281 |
80 | Haywood County | 2020 | Total American Indian and Alaska Native Alone, specified tribe | 305 |