1 | Granville County | County | Transportation and public utilities | 1980 | 5,340 |
2 | Granville County | County | Health services | 1980 | 3,135 |
3 | Greene County | County | Personal income (thousands of dollars) | 1980 | 105,373 |
4 | Greene County | County | Less: Contributions for government social insurance 3/ | 1980 | 3,298 |
5 | Greene County | County | Employer contributions for government social insurance | 1980 | 1,700 |
6 | Greene County | County | Agricultural services, forestry, and fishing | 1980 | 415 |
7 | Greene County | County | Fishing | 1980 | 3 |
8 | Greene County | County | Primary metal industries | 1980 | 0 |
9 | Greene County | County | Electronic and other electric equipment | 1980 | 1,045 |
10 | Greene County | County | Printing and publishing | 1980 |
11 | Greene County | County | Petroleum and coal products | 1980 | 0 |
12 | Greene County | County | Leather and leather products | 1980 | 0 |
13 | Greene County | County | Transportation and public utilities | 1980 | 285 |
14 | Greene County | County | Water transportation | 1980 | 0 |
15 | Greene County | County | Electric, gas, and sanitary services | 1980 | -40 |
16 | Greene County | County | Wholesale trade | 1980 | 341 |
17 | Greene County | County | Automotive dealers and service stations | 1980 | 622 |
18 | Greene County | County | Other finance, insurance, and real estate | 1980 |
19 | Greene County | County | Insurance carriers | 1980 |
20 | Greene County | County | Amusement and recreation services | 1980 |
21 | Greene County | County | Motion pictures | 1980 | 0 |
22 | Greene County | County | Health services | 1980 | 981 |
23 | Greene County | County | Museums, botanical, zoological gardens | 1980 | 0 |
24 | Greene County | County | State government | 1980 | 1,264 |
25 | Guilford County | County | Population (persons) 2/ | 1980 | 317,921 |
26 | Guilford County | County | Farm proprietors' income | 1980 | 5,544 |
27 | Guilford County | County | Private nonfarm earnings | 1980 | 2,808,100 |
28 | Guilford County | County | Agricultural services | 1980 | 7,421 |
29 | Guilford County | County | Forestry | 1980 | 34 |
30 | Guilford County | County | Construction | 1980 | 209,542 |
31 | Guilford County | County | Stone, clay, and glass products | 1980 | 15,727 |
32 | Guilford County | County | Other transportation equipment | 1980 |
33 | Guilford County | County | Nondurable goods manufacturing | 1980 | 681,984 |
34 | Guilford County | County | Petroleum and coal products | 1980 | 0 |
35 | Guilford County | County | Pipelines, except natural gas | 1980 | 1,267 |
36 | Guilford County | County | Transportation services | 1980 | 2,661 |
37 | Guilford County | County | Finance, insurance, and real estate | 1980 | 182,506 |
38 | Guilford County | County | Insurance carriers | 1980 | 89,734 |
39 | Guilford County | County | Business services | 1980 | 82,808 |
40 | Guilford County | County | Miscellaneous repair services | 1980 | 11,442 |