1 | Tract 203 | Alamance County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 956 |
2 | Tract 210 | Alamance County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 412 |
3 | Tract 213 | Alamance County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 604 |
4 | BNA 9806 | Anson County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 649 |
5 | BNA 9902 | Beaufort County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 967 |
6 | BNA 9906 | Beaufort County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 528 |
7 | BNA 9603 | Bertie County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 591 |
8 | BNA 9501 | Bladen County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 762 |
9 | Tract 203.02 | Brunswick County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 703 |
10 | Tract 205.02 | Brunswick County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 469 |
11 | Tract 20 | Buncombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 670 |
12 | Tract 27 | Buncombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,718 |
13 | Tract 28 | Buncombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,024 |
14 | Tract 30.01 | Buncombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 966 |
15 | Tract 30.02 | Buncombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 913 |
16 | Tract 415 | Cabarrus County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,531 |
17 | Tract 416 | Cabarrus County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,451 |
18 | Tract 423 | Cabarrus County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 438 |
19 | Tract 312 | Caldwell County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,351 |
20 | Tract 314 | Caldwell County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,275 |
21 | BNA 9712 | Carteret County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 120 |
22 | BNA 9902 | Caswell County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 687 |
23 | Tract 102 | Catawba County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,714 |
24 | Tract 106 | Catawba County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 846 |
25 | Tract 109 | Catawba County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 437 |
26 | Tract 118 | Catawba County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,839 |
27 | BNA 9901 | Cherokee County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 711 |
28 | BNA 9503.98 | Cleveland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,461 |
29 | Tract 1 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 33 |
30 | Tract 16.02 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,033 |
31 | Tract 23 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 941 |
32 | Tract 24 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,109 |
33 | Tract 25.02 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 901 |
34 | Tract 28 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 871 |
35 | Tract 31 | Cumberland County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,765 |
36 | Tract 1103 | Currituck County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 930 |
37 | BNA 9703 | Dare County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 590 |
38 | Tract 603.98 | Davidson County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 2,342 |
39 | Tract 604 | Davidson County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 950 |
40 | Tract 618.02 | Davidson County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 963 |
41 | BNA 9901 | Duplin County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 917 |
42 | BNA 9905 | Duplin County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,370 |
43 | BNA 9908 | Duplin County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,102 |
44 | Tract 5 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 152 |
45 | Tract 8.02 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 32 |
46 | Tract 10.01 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 326 |
47 | Tract 10.02 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 632 |
48 | Tract 17.07 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 950 |
49 | Tract 18.01 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 885 |
50 | Tract 18.04 | Durham County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,172 |
51 | Tract 209 | Edgecombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 553 |
52 | Tract 210 | Edgecombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 602 |
53 | Tract 216 | Edgecombe County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 398 |
54 | Tract 8.02 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 122 |
55 | Tract 13 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 184 |
56 | Tract 17 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 574 |
57 | Tract 23 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 158 |
58 | Tract 26.01 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 368 |
59 | Tract 27.03 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 393 |
60 | Tract 28.05 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 774 |
61 | Tract 29.01 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 539 |
62 | Tract 30.02 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 455 |
63 | Tract 31.04 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,538 |
64 | Tract 32 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 10 |
65 | Tract 32.02 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 379 |
66 | Tract 33.06 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 547 |
67 | Tract 34.01 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 460 |
68 | Tract 34.02 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 436 |
69 | Tract 36 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 632 |
70 | Tract 40.06 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 981 |
71 | Tract 41.01 | Forsyth County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,130 |
72 | Tract 602 | Franklin County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 532 |
73 | Tract 304 | Gaston County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 1,305 |
74 | Tract 317.01 | Gaston County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 439 |
75 | Tract 327.02 | Gaston County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 329 |
76 | Tract 108.02 | Guilford County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 83 |
77 | Tract 111.02 | Guilford County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 322 |
78 | Tract 119.05 | Guilford County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 609 |
79 | Tract 125.08 | Guilford County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 612 |
80 | Tract 127.06 | Guilford County | 1990 | Children Living with Both Parents | 399 |