2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Summary Profile
Nearly 10.5 million people lived in North Carolina according to the 2020 Census - making The Old North State the 9th largest state in the nation. The 2020 Census Demographics and Housing Characteristics (DHC) released on May 25, 2023 provides a more detailed picture of the age, race/ethnicity, households, families, and housing. Browse the following data profiles for basic DHC data for North Carolina counties and towns and explore LINC for more detailed information.
The 2020 Census provides a portrait of North Carolina, and the Demographic and Housing Characteristics provide more detail on the age, race, ethnicity, and urban/rural make up of our communities.
2020 Census Population by Age
Housing units are physical structures where populations may live. The 2020 Census reports data on housing units, tenure, and occupancy.
Total Housing Units
Households and Group Quarters
Households are occupied housing units. Group Quarters (i.e. college/university dorms, military barracks, prisons, nursing facilities, etc.) are locations with a long term resident population who may also reside at a different location. The 2020 Census provides data on these varied household types.
Total Households
Population in Nursing/Skilled Nursing Group Quarters Facilities
Married Couple Households as a Percent of Total Households