North Carolina Environment, Recreation, and Resources

Welcome to LINC, your best first stop for information about North Carolina!

LINC organizes hundreds of data covering for all areas of North Carolina into general topic categories, you are now on the Environment, Recreation, and Resources category introduction page. Here you will find detailed information on land area, recreational land acreage, water usage, hazardous waste generation and treatment, pollutant emissions, and more. Explore the dashboard to view environment, recreation, and resources highlights for North Carolina counties.

Data from 2020 except as noted.

Visit the Data Catalog, for more information from this category and the other 14 categories.

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Outdoor Recreation Acreage

100 km
100 mi
Leaflet | Powered by Opendatasoft - Tiles Courtesy of jawg Jawg - Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Total Water Use (Gals/Day):13,761,973
Municipal & Community Water Use (Gals/Day):920,919.000
Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Area Sources (Tons)*:198,830
Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Point Sources (Tons)*:48,390.040
Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Area Sources (Tons):1,316,832
Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Point Sources (Tons):41,482.95
Particulate Matter Emissions <10 micro from Area Sources (Tons):268,806
Particulate Matter Emissions from Point Sources (Tons)*:22,021.700
Hazardous Waste Treated (Pounds)*:20,210,900
* Data from 2021

Outdoor Recreation Acreage

Particulate Matter Trend