American Indians in North Carolina

The tribal community of North Carolina is the foundation of the rich history of our state. National Native American Indian Heritage Month is the ideal time to celebrate our Native community.

From the 2020 Census, North Carolina is home to over 130,000 Native American and Alaska Natives.
North Carolina has the second largest tribal population east of the Mississippi River.

Recognized Tribes of North Carolina

  • Eastern Band of the Cherokee
  • Coharie
  • Haliwa-Saponi
  • Lumbee
  • Meherrin
  • Occaneechi Band of Saponi
  • Sappony
  • Waccamaw Siouan
  • Visit the NC Commission of Indian Affairs for more information on North Carolina's tribal communities.

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    2020 Census Total American Indian and Alaska Native Population

    100 km
    100 mi
    Leaflet | Powered by Opendatasoft - Tiles Courtesy of jawg Jawg - Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
    2020 Census Total American Indian Alaska Native Population:130,032
    American Indian and Alaska Native Median Household Income - 2020 ACS Estimate:$48,440
    American Indian and Alaska Native Per Capita Income - 2020 ACS Estimate:$20,329
    American Indian and Alaska Native Population in Poverty - 2020 ACS Estimate:28,165
    Percent American Indian and Alaska Native in Poverty - 2020 ACS Estimate:23.13

    Educational Attainment American Indian Alaska Native Population 25 and Over Estimate - 2016-2020 American Community Survey

    Total American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population - American Community Survey Estimate

    • All dates and times are in US/Eastern time.

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    Visit the Data Catalog, for more information from this category and the other 14 categories.